Relevant Classroom is the educational division of Vivayic. Relevance is essential to transformative science education and fulfilling the promise of The Framework for K-12 Science Education. Relevance happens in science classrooms when students have access to substantive, high-quality, three-dimensional instructional experiences facilitated by capable and equipped educators with first-hand knowledge of the real-world phenomena and design challenges at the heart of the instructional experience. Relevant Classroom designs high-quality instructional materials and offers high-impact professional development with food and agriculture topics as the context.
Score: 5
Science Discipline: Life Science, Engineering
Length: Unit
Year Reviewed: 2021
In this high school Storyline unit on genetics and heredity, students are introduced to ‘Supercattle’. As they explore the wide variety of cattle breeds, students discover that cattle are specialized for different purposes, and while similar, the ‘Supercattle’ are clearly unique. Students wonder what caused this diversity and specificity, which leads to investigations about the role of inheritance, DNA, and proteins.
Link to Materials
The following link will direct you to the Relevant Classroom/Vivayic unit Overview Page: How Can We Design Cattle to Better Meet Human Needs?
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