Communicating About the Standards


Improving science learning by implementing new standards requires substantial instructional shifts, and states and districts should make ongoing plans to communicate those shifts and what they mean for students, teachers, and classrooms to the surrounding community. Resources featured below can help states and districts communicate about the new vision for science education with teachers, school leaders, parents, and other key stakeholders.


Communications Resources

NGSS Overview for Principals: Principals have a critical role to play in the implementation process and this resource can be a guide for administrators working in states that have recently adopted new K-12 science standards, based on the NGSS. The purposes of this document are to introduce principals to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and provide a general overview of the key instructional and conceptual shifts required by the NGSS.

NGSS Parent Guides: This suite of NGSS Parent Guides illustrates how the standards are a powerful foundation to help students build a cohesive understanding of science over time. The parent guides are available for Grades K-2, Grade 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. (Now available in English and Spanish)

Public Attitudes Toward Science Standards: This document provides a summary of key findings from a survey on public attitudes toward science standards.

Infographic: How Will Science Education Change with the NGSS: This infographic shows the Implications of the Vision of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Infographic: Science Education Needs an Update: This infographic shows that we've made major advances in science and technology and gained a better understanding of how students learn these subjects since last major standards revisions in the 90s.

Why K-12 Standards Matter: A short document summarizing the development of the NGSS and why K-12 science standards are important.

NGSS NOW: A monthly newsletter featuring updates about high-quality science education. Subscribe here.

NGSS Fact Sheet: Basic facts about the Next Generation Science Standards.

Messaging Card: This resource can be printed as portable 8 x 4 inch cards and contain high-level information about the NGSS. The cards can be easily printed on cardstock and disseminated at upcoming events or speaking engagements.


Read the Next Generation Science Standards and the Appendices.

Search the Resource Library here.