Transforming Science Assessment: Systems for Innovation is a series of resources designed to provide state education leaders with 1) information about how states are currently pursuing statewide assessment systems in science; 2) analyses of what features influence different approaches, with an eye to supporting state leaders as they make their own decisions regarding science assessment systems; 3) detailed state profiles that highlight how and why some states have made decisions regarding designing and enacting different examples of systems of assessment; and 4) a how-to guide for policymakers looking to enact systems of assessment in science. Some readers may find that it is helpful to review all the resources in this series; others might be particularly interested in a specific component of this report.
The suite of resources includes the following sections:
Current Approaches to Systems of Assessments in Science: Themes and Models - A high-level introduction to science standards and assessment, the need for systems of assessments in science, and two major styles of approaches that are emerging from state efforts to turn the vision for a system of assessments in science into a reality.
Deep Dive: Current Models of State-Led Assessment Systems in Science - A deep dive into state-led assessment systems in science.
Deep Dive: Current Models of Distributed Assessment Systems in Science - A deep dive into distributed assessment systems in science.
State Spotlight: Nebraska's State-Led Science Assessment System - A state spotlight on Nebraska's system of assessment in science.
State Spotlight: Kentucky's State-Led Science Assessment System - A state spotlight on Kentucky's system of assessment in science.
State Spotlight: Michigan's Distributed Science Assessment System - A state spotlight on Michigan's system of assessment in science.
Steps to Enact Statewide Systems of Assessments in Science: A Guide for State Policymakers - A guide for policymakers as they consider how to develop and implement assessment systems in science.